Knight & Damsel will be part of IndieCade’s eSports Showcase, which runs Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th of October! I believe we have demo times, which we don’t know at this precise minute but we’ll let you know when we do (probably on the morning of the 10th, because we’re always so super organised.) We’re joining brillo-looking games such as Kevin Cancienne’s Dog Park and Juicy Beast’s Toto Temple Deluxe as part of the showcase, and you can see the full list here. Hope to see you in Culver City in October, if you happen to live in Los Angeles or you travelled there or something. It’ll be fun!

Knight & Damsel will be part of IndieCade’s eSports Showcase, which runs Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th of October! I believe we have demo times, which we don’t know at this precise minute but we’ll let you know when we do (probably on the morning of the 10th, because we’re always so super organised.)

We’re joining brillo-looking games such as Kevin Cancienne’s Dog Park and Juicy Beast’s Toto Temple Deluxe as part of the showcase, and you can see the full list here. Hope to see you in Culver City in October, if you happen to live in Los Angeles or you travelled there or something. It’ll be fun!