Hey hey! Knight & Damsel has been out for a week now, and so it’s definitely time for us to remind you that if you haven’t picked it up yet, there’s just one week left to pick it up at the 20% launch discount. You can buy it on PC (on Steam, Humble Store or Itch.io) or OUYA for $7.99 / £5.59 / €7.99. Sale ends on September 3rd!

In fact, if you’d like to pick it up from this very page and you’re Itch.io inclined, you can buy it at the bottom of this post!

We’d also like to say that we’ve been grateful for the feedback we’ve received since launch. A few bugs we thought we’d quashed have shown up and we’re currently working on a patch that’ll sort that out, with the aim of having it out as soon as possible. Sincerest apologies to our early adopters! And if you’ve found an issue yourself, be sure to let us know in as much detail as possible (via e-mail, Twitter, or Facebook) any problems you’ve had and we’ll fix it! Anyone who can find bugs we can replicate and fix will be rewarded.